The elevated water tank in Farmington Hills, MI, designed by OHM Advisors, reduces peak water system demand and saves the city millions of dollars annually.

Farmington Hills Elevated Water Storage Tank


Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office


Farmington Hills, MI


3MG, 209 ft.

Largest Composite Tank of its Kind at Construction Saves $3.5 Million in Annual Water Costs

OHM Advisors performed a water system sustainability plan study for the City of Farmington Hills, one goal of which was to determine a way to reduce water rates for its 80,000 residents. Our study showed that the city could raise a 3MG elevated storage tank to offset peak demand, which would considerably reduce rates from the supplier, provide better fire and emergency protection, and result in more stable water pressure in areas impacted by hilly terrain. The typical schedule for a project of such size and complexity is three years—but we determined that if the city could complete the project in roughly two years, it could take advantage of the project’s estimated annual rate savings of $3.5 million a year earlier.

Our team fast-tracked design services to make this project bid-ready within just three months. We began significant engagement efforts to involve the public in the design phase, which included an art contest to design the logo on the tank, and a fundraiser that continued throughout the process and provided regional coordination between the city, the supplier, and the water system operator—the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office. We designed the water system controls, prepared the bidding documents for the tank, obtained the proper permits, and provided construction observation and construction engineering for all three important phases of the project.

The resulting 209-foot tall, multiple-award-winning elevated tank—completed on time, on an aggressive schedule—reduces peak water system demand, allowed the city to negotiate lower rates from the supplier, saving the city millions of dollars annually, and provided sweeping additional benefits for water utility customers.

Project Highlights: public engagement, drinking water storage, SCADA, water main design & construction, water system operation & controls logic, DWSD permitting & rate evaluation

Awards & Recognition