A 40-year water and wastewater engineer, Vyto is a firm principal and formerly served as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He is a big-picture thinker, helping his varied clients create unique solutions which often involve local communities and regional agencies collaborating to achieve greater results than they could individually.
Prior to joining OHM Advisors in 2003, Vyto spent 10 years with Wayne County, Michigan’s Department of Environment, where he oversaw the operations of four major sanitary water transportation systems and two wastewater treatment plants and worked for several years as the county’s appointed Drain Commissioner. Since joining the firm, he has extended his work with Wayne County as a client, providing it both project-based and as-needed consultant services and continuing to build upon his excellent relationships with the county, other local communities and regional agencies.
He has also expanded his significant body of complex advisory work, consulting on projects such as the DWSD Water System Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) activities, the formation of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), the formation of the North Oakland County Water Authority (NOCWA), the Wayne County NHV/RV sanitary system wet weather plan to meet MDEQ requirements, and the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s implementation of a unique monitoring and billing system for the Clinton-Oakland Sanitary Disposal System. He is also currently the primary system manager for the Downriver Utility Wastewater Authority (DUWA), a 13-community cooperative controlling a system serving more than 350,000 people in its member communities.
Throughout his career, Vyto has published and presented extensively and provided his expertise in myriad consultancies for institutions and organizations facing water and wastewater challenges. He served on the State of Michigan’s Combined Sewer Overflow and Sanitary Sewer Overflow Policy Development Committees, and has been a member of both the state and national Water Environment Federations and the American Public Works Association.