Tim is a project manager and client representative in the firm’s Municipal Services group. In his 15-plus years of experience, he has worked with a number of communities on general engineering services, capital improvement planning and implementation, municipal design services, construction administration and review of site development projects. His work experience includes major and local roadways, water mains, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, pedestrian facilities, streetscapes, parks and buildings.
Tim assists municipalities with the evaluation of their infrastructure and the prioritization of capital investment needs, particularly for transportation, water and sewer system infrastructure. In some communities, such as Auburn Hills, Fenton and Groveland Township, he also serves as the City or Township Engineer, providing regular advice and counsel on the community’s engineering projects. In this role, he routinely attends city council, township board, planning commission and other public meetings, and coordinates with community staff, developers, contractors, and various agencies to plan, design and implement projects.
The holder of a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Michigan Technological University, Tim is very involved with several professional associations including the American Public Works Association, American Council of Engineering Companies, the Michigan Municipal League and the Michigan Association of Planning. He has been recognized with young professional awards from both the ACEC and the National Engineers Week Foundation.
The success stories in our area are the projects where the particular community and all the public and private partners in a project work together and truly understand the relationship between infrastructure, community identity and regional economic development. It’s not an overstatement to say that those are the projects where everyone wins.